Moss and Moonshine

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A Note About the Exclusive Shop

Goodmorning Creature Keepers!

I’m so excited we’ve been getting some new face in among the old here, and especially grateful for everyone who’s been understanding that we just switched over our location to Square Spaces Members areas, so I’m still learning the ropes of how to use our new site to its maximum potential.

I’ve had a few people message me about the Exclusive shop, so I wanted to just take a second and let you know what my plans our for that new space. Obviously the shop isn’t accessible yet (there’s nothing listed in it at the moment), but I plan on changing that this week. Here’s what I’m doing:

  1. I’m putting the Creature Research Journal Downloadable in the shop at a permanently discounted rate of $10 for all of you. I know most of you already grabbed the Journal at this price when it launched, but I thought it would be nice to have a permanent discount for New Members.

  2. I’ve decided we will try out a Creature Release in the Exclusive shop at the end of March. It’s going to be for 3-5 Fairy Wren Gryphons, I’ve just finished the first prototype and I’ll be posting about him later today once I take some good pictures!

  3. I’m also going to be listing 5 one-of-a-kind Fairy Dragon Grubs based on Bee larvae ONLY in the exclusive shop. That’s the spoiler for what I’m up to with my CosClay. I have a post about these grubs coming up as soon as I get one fully sculpted. They should be around $50-$65 each and I think I’ll release them with a special sketch too. Anyway, those guys are going to be Exclusive to just our special shop, so hang on a few more weeks and we will really get the ball rolling!

  4. Not shop related, but I’m also working on finding a good way to inform all the club members when I post a new blog post on here (like how Patreon would email you!). I’m hoping to get a good solution set up by the end of the week so no one misses any posts.

You all know I’ve had more than anticipated on my plate handling the whole Scammer situation, so things are moving a bit slowly as I’m currently making the old Jackalope pre-orders, finishing the new jackalope designs, wrapping up some outstanding layaway pre-orders from last year, setting up our new Club Space, and you know…being a human being with a life outside of my job too XD

I appreciate everyone’s patience, and heck, I’m just grateful you all like me enough to be here.

Hope everyone’s week is chugging right along,
