Moss and Moonshine

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Finishing the Fairy Wren Gryphon

I know these guys got completely eclipsed by the Hummingriffs. And I still have a lot to do. Namely stuff him, put on his wings, and of course add the fur around his face.

The Fairy Wren Gryphon is still very much coming together though and I have to say I really like his plumage. I don’t think I’ll be adding this design to our permanent line-up. I want to tweak some things about the design now that Cosclay is an option and I can safely make thinner legs without fear of them being destroyed in shipping. But I don’t want to just never release this adorable puffball. So I’m thinking we’ll do a small run of 5-10 of these guys in a limited amount of colorways. I have some colorway inspiration below…which one do you all like best?