Plans for the New Baby Jackalopes

Man I hope everyone else is as excited for these new baby buns as I am! I wanted to make you another ‘floppy’ style doll like the newborn wyverns. These little jackalopes have no armature, just resin body parts and a soft, squishy main body. They’re great for cuddling on you chest, or sleeping next to you on your desk while you work.

I’m still refining the legs and how I want them to fit on the body, but here’s the first sewn body with the sculpted face-plate:


But what I really can’t wait for is I’m making a secondary line of these guys that will be exclusively BUTTERBUNS! I know the Butterbuns were a huge favorite when I introduced them last year and we didn’t end up making very many at all. So my hope is to make plenty of sleepy Butterbun babies going forward (I might also dabble with a large jackalope Butterbun variant, but it's not currently in the works).


What do you think? Are sleepy potato Butterbuns something we want? I’ll probably be doing more angelina film wings and some cicada/dragonfly wings for the buns as my butterfly wing supplier stopped carrying the butterfly prints…I really want to do sleeping baby Bumblebuns…