Making of the Large Jackalope
Now that the Large Jackalope design is finally finished, I thought I’d put up all my process pics in one posts, following the doll making process from beginning to end. Some of these I’ve shared already, some of them I haven’t!
Sculpting the last bits of the head, making sure all the parts fit together.
Setting up the body parts to make molds. This is a mix of baby jackalope parts and big ‘lope parts.
First head cast in resin! This is blank, and unpainted.
Figuring out the armature so the skeleton works well.
Test assembly with the blank resin parts, skeleton, and sewn body. No stuffing or paint yet!
Yup. The skeleton is working!
Head’s fully painted and eyes are glossed.
Fur blending around the edges is done…he looks pretty good! Gotta let the glue dry overnight before I try to pose him.
Ready to find a new home! Hey there Malcolm!