Weekly Check-in: July 15th

Hey all,

If you caught me recent instagram stories, you might have seen things have been a little tumultuous for us since 4th of July weekend. I know it isn’t new, I feel a bit stuck in the loop that every time I think things are calming down and beginning to stabilize, some new curve balls show up and we have to re-evaluate the next step in our journey…I suppose that’s just being in your late twenties/early thirties?


What changed these last few weeks: Bryce’s family has had some health scares, we had an attempted break-in and some other experiences with crime in Portland that has us feeling unsafe, and, more positively, Brycen has the opportunity to go pro in the MMA (mixed Martial Arts) scene this next year. But we would need to either move back to Los Angeles, or figure out how he could commute to LA on a regular basis for him to take the opportunity. This is kind of a big deal as Bryce has been dreaming of fighting professionally, possibly with the UFC, since he was a kid. We don’t want him to miss the chance to possibly make this a reality.


We’re moving back to Ventura County, California, which is where we are both from. Partly because the crime rate in our current part of Portland is making us uncomfortable, partly because we want to be near Bryce’s family what with the health issues they have going on, but mostly because we want to be around our biggest support system so Brycen can try his best to realize his dream of fighting professionally. He has a few more years before he’s thirty, so these next two years are probably the deciding factor of whether or not it’ll happen. He’s been amazing supporting me in significantly growing the Menagerie over the last 5 years, I think he deserves a few years to chase his dreams!

What does this mean for the Menagerie?

Mostly just some schedule re-arranging. We’re likely going to be moving July 31st, and spending the first week or two of August setting up our new apartment. Our daughter’s birthday is August 1st, so the first week of August was already planned as a vacation for us to visit family. Now we just aren’t going to be coming back!

Once we get set up in California, at the tail-end of August, I’ll be back into the swing of things with Whisper Season starting up the first week of September. I’ll be working through the move, like usual, so there shouldn’t be much interruption in Menagerie progress. And a bonus of being back in our hometown- I’ll finally have childcare during the week!! No more juggling squeezing in a few hours of work here and there in between entertaining G.

All outstanding pre-orders will be wrapped up and in the mail before the 31st. If you’re waiting on a pre-order doll, I’ve been working really hard on them, appreciate your patience, and they’ll all be in the mail before we move.

I’m going to do a BIG goldfish dragon release. 12 fishies at once! That will be taking place July 24th, with each goldfish dragon being $250+shipping. This includes 6 painted eye fish, and the 6 with the special blown glass eyes by Hazel Newton.

Ferret-parrots are on pause until after we get set up back in California. I have them sculpted and molded, but I’m going to wait to resin cast and make the prototype until September. I apologize for the inconvenience, I really want to give them the time and attention they deserve.

Lastly, all in-stock creatures are currently ON SALE, with free shipping (yes even international!) until July 29th. That includes the two Kirins, Baxter the big bumblebee dragon, and Gertrude the baby bumblebee dragon.

I know we always seem to move this time of year, I guess summer and fire season has us reflecting on our lives and what’s important. I think this move will be helpful in allowing me the time I want to put more into growing the Menagerie blog. Than you, as always, for sticking with me as things rapidly change yet again.
