Starting Back Up the Research Journal Project!

It’s finally time to get back to compiling the Unnatural Creature Research Journal! It has been, well, a very long while since I’ve had the opportunity to compile research papers on the various Menagerie Creatures and I am very happy to be back in my study.

As a refresher, I’ll start with a reminder of what an Unnatural Creature is:

  • An Unnatural Creature occurs when the veil between dimensions thins, letting in a stream of pure life energy from the Astral world into our physical world. This energy mutates whatever terrestrial creatures are around, giving them a strange, magical appearance and new, often paranormal, abilities. The new terrestrial/astral hybrid is an Unnatural Creature! Sometimes the unnatural mutation is fertile, and can reproduce with terrestrial creatures to create an entire population of the new magical hybrid.

  • At the Menagerie, we work primarily with offspring of these fertile mutants, trying to create healthier bloodlines and place Unnatural Creatures with experienced Creature Keepers in order to further research what exactly these hybrids need and how to keep them healthy and thriving.

  • The Creature species we work with are imported from all over the world, although often we try to get ones that are several generations removed from their wild cousins in order to make them more suited to cohabitate with humans.

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As far as the Journal Project goes- I hope to be able to source additional research from everyone in the club! We have a downloadable creature journal template some of you have been using to compile your own research journals with the Unnatural Creatures in your care. I want to feature one creature keeper a month for the rest of the year to share their journals and discoveries! The more work we put in together, the better we can care for the special creatures under our guardianship and the more we can learn about the magical world around us.

I also plan to release more fun interactive worksheets and additional creature pages this holiday season, so keep a look out for those collaborative projects! And if you would like to share your journal to be used in a blog post for the group, email me at

Thanks for being patient while I got my zest for the journal back, I can’t wait to share the pages about Fish Dragons with all of you this weekend!
