Whisper Creature Release Schedule
Who else cannot wait for Fall to finally arrive?? I know I’m crazy excited for Whisper Season this year! In fact, I’ve done all my prep work already so I can confidently tell you which Creatures will be getting Whisper-fied next month, and when each kind of Creature will be available for adoption.
Just a quick reminder, Whisper creatures are our Halloween exclusive event. They cannot be pre-ordered, and are only available between September 1st and October 31st each year. A Whisper version of a creature uses the same creature base sculpt as a regular version of the doll, but with the custom Whisper colorway and one-of-a-kind, hand-sculpted mushrooms added on. Whispers are $25-$100 more expensive than a normal version of that creature due to the extra work put into creating them.
Here are some examples of Whisper Creatures from years past:
Cordyceps Whisper
Bleeding Tooth Whispers
Amanita Whispers
Whisper Fairy Dragons and Whisper Wyverns
Whisper versions of the retired Jackalope design
This year, I am turning a larger number of Menagerie species into Whispers than ever before! Please keep in mind, there will not be Early Releases for Whisper Creatures. A Whisper Release will take place in the public shop every Sunday at 12pm pst during September. Here is the planned Whisper Release Schedule for September:
Goldfish Dragons(2) and Newborn Wyverns(3): September 5th
Baby Jackalopes (5) and Adult Jackalope (1): September 12th
Fairy Dragon Hatchlings (4), Grubs (5), and Adult Fairy Dragon (1): September 19th
Cockatrice Chicks (10) and Adult Cockatrice (1): September 26th
A smaller number of Whisper Creatures will pop up throughout October with a less steady schedule as well. I want to release a new Gourd Ghoul pose, and the Deep Sea Fish Dragons before the end of October, so fewer Whispers will be available at that time.
I hope you all are as excited about the spooky season as I am! We are still a few weeks off from moving into our new apartment here in SoCal, but I am looking forward to sharing more stories of living with the Menagerie creatures as soon as we get settled into our new home.