A Mid-September Update

Hey all, I’m not dead, just recovering from moving!

This move was exceptionally difficult. More so than any other move we’ve made in the past 4 years for some reason. Luckily we are finally settled in and getting our routine back after a very, very rough first week.

Coming back to our hometown has me thinking a lot about heros’ journeys and returning to your roots. AS you all know I’ve been struggling with direction for the Menagerie since the Woolsey fire in 2018. I’m just not super happy doing things the way they are, and I know it shows. I want to get back to fantasy storytelling through pictures, videos, and blogs and away from constantly trying to sell product.

Obviously this isn’t so easy when we very much still need my income in order to pay our bills each month.

Anyway, this is a long-winded way of saying I am going to be scrapping a lot of my Halloween themed plans for next month in favor of focusing on what I really feel excited to create- which is Unusual Gryphons! Instead of doing deep sea fish dragons, or a re-release of the old-school Gourd Ghouls, I’m going to instead focus on finishing the different varieties of Gryphons I started earlier in the year.

I do still want to do a very small, club member exclusive pre-order for the baby Gourd Ghoul sculptures. That will likely be happening around October 15th.

Anyway, expect some blog updates about the various parrot gryphons within the next two weeks. I have some ideas about creating a real Gryphon Hatchery in our new home I can’t wait to start working on.


(Yes, I’m also wrapping up the outstanding pre-orders over the next two weeks, stay tuned!)