My Latest Custom Wyvern

So this guy wasn’t for a Creature Club Member, and I made him in December but I haven’t had a chance to share him publicly yet (sometimes I just don’t get photos edited and posted to the social medias….I have a backlog of lots of photos still waiting…). Anyway, I thought you guys might like to see him because he was a really interesting challenge to make and I just haven’t shared him yet!


I know I mentioned it in the old Club Space, but my molds for this Wyvern burned out a few months back. No worries, I still have the master sculpts so I can make new molds, but we decided to take a break from Wyvern Hatchlings this year so I can focus on making a new Drake Hatchling!

I’m planning on starting the Drakes alongside the Trash Gryphons this summer, and hoping to have both designs debuted in August!

Until then, I won’t be releasing anymore pre-order slots for Wyverns. I actually think going forward, all pre-order slots will be done through Pre-Order Events only…it just makes the whole process a lot smoother.