Big Jackalope Progress
So I really thought I would have these guys finished by now, but I keep re-sculpting the feet ><
Waaaay back when I made the first Pudgy Jackalopes, I chose to give them paw pads even though rabbits don’t have paw pads. At the time it was a design choice to make the pink of the paw pads pop against the faux fur bellies of the pudgy jackalopes, but I ended up getting a lot of flack from some anonymous people on tumblr sort of calling me stupid for not knowing ‘rabbits don’t have paw pads’. Since Jackalopes aren’t rabbits, and are in fact a completely different, magical, creature, I decided ever since to make paw pads part of my personal Jackalope mythos. I didn’t want to get rid of the paw pads on the new design, even though I’m trying to make them look more realistic, and I’ve just been. Sitting here, Reworking the back feet over and over.
I think I’m finally happy with the results, but I swear I’ve re-sculpted these feet like 10 times. The rest of the Jackalope is ready to go, I just need to make molds of these feet and cast a test batch of them.
Thanks for being patient while I feel out this new design, I know everyone is excited to see these babies done!
Here’s one of the old paw designs I didn’t care for.
re-shaping the new foot…
positioning the paw pads
ok this is the foot we are going with!
Paw pads and all <3