How the Early Creature Release Works and Jackalope Pre-order Info
Hey all!
You may have seen my story on instagram about the supply chain issue with plastic armature right now. After talking to the supplier I purchased from on the phone, I’m really not sure when my backordered armature will be arriving. Because of the uncertain timetable, I don’t feel comfortable selling more Jackalope pre-orders than I currently have the supplies to fulfill. That means, as of right now, I will only be able to take a total of 5 pre-orders. I will likely end up making that the limit for this Jackalope Season, and wait to take any more jackalope orders until next March. I’m terribly sorry for the short notice, I was expecting the normal two month delay on backordered armature when I placed the order in December (my bad).
Because I won’t be able to offer open pre-orders like I hoped, I wanted to give everyone a run-down of what the order form will look like when you do place your order, since time might be of the essence. I’ve also added the pre-order listing with fur samples and all the info in the secret shop for you to check out and decide on your design. The listing will update and become ‘in-stock’ at 5pm pst on Saturday.
**We’re accepting layaway requests 10 min after the listings go live. If all 5 slots sell out in the first 10 min, no layaways will be issued. If slots are left, we will open layaways on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Essentially, here’s what you need to know going into the pre-order:
Your choice of fur color (or colors, if you want a different color for the tummy/back of tail than the main body)(Not all fur options are the same length, so run a pairing by us to make sure it will work!)
Ear type (either upright, or Lop Ears)(Lop ear example to be shown Friday)
Eye color (I’ll have a list of general colors to choose from, and we can discuss specifics about shade/details after your order is placed)
Antler Color (bone, silver, gold, or copper)
Make sure to talk to me about any additional markings you want before hand! The exception to this is if you want a black-tailed Jackrabbit design. Just go ahead and put ‘Black tailed Jackrabbit’ in the comments section on the order.
Pre-order slots will drop at 5pm pst Saturday along with the in-stock Jackalopes in our Exclusive Shop. They are first-come, first-serve, hopefully we will have enough to go around.
Now for the info on the in-stock Creature Release!
Just like a regular shop update, our exclusive club shop will auto-publish the listings for the 5 pastel Jackalopes and Malcolm right at 5pm pst this Saturday. Each baby Jackalope will be $135usd+shipping. Like a public Creature Release, its first-come, first-serve, so try and refresh the shop page right at 5pm pst if you are aiming to grab a specific in-stock Creature. We can’t guarantee you will get the creature you want, but Creature Club releases tend to be less fast-paced than public releases.
Because we now have a private shop, you will not need a password to access the Early Release! Just log in here and visit the Secret Shop when listings go live at 5pm pst Saturday.
Lastly, here is the preview of the in-stock Jackalopes that will be part of the Early Release:
From left to right: Lark, Creamsicle, and Sunshine $135+shipping ea
Creamsicle $135
Sunshine $135
Petal $135
Bud $135
Malcolm $400+shipping
Also, just a heads up, since we won’t be opening more pre-order for Big Jackalopes on Easter, we’ve decided to give Club members a chance to order Custom Baby Jackalopes at no extra cost! So if you want a baby to match your large ‘lope….or just have a special design in mind, we’ll have open pre-orders April 4th for a special custom run!