Coming soon: Fairy Wren Gryphons and the New Seasonal Schedule!

This post is going to be a bit of a hodge-podge of a few different ideas, so bear with me!

First off, we’ve set a date for the Fairy Wren Gryphons: Saturday April 24th will be the Early Creature Release for 5 in-stock Gryphs! $215+shipping ea

I’ve also been looking at my schedule from January, and current in-progress projects, and trying to find a way to balance releases year-to-year that makes it easier to communicate with all of you. The whole Jackalope scam debacle has me thinking how hard it is to explain my process to new people who haven’t been following along for a few years…and I think having a Seasonal Release Schedule might be the way to fix this communication gap. Having a few set ‘Seasons’ each year (like Jackalope Season and Whisper Season!) will help keep everyone in the loops with what to expect.

So here’s my loose idea of what I want our Seasons to be:


Fairy Dragon Season


Jackalope Season


Fish-Dragon Season


Kirin Season


Dragon Hatchling Season


Whisper Season


Yuletide Imps?

Of course, this guideline is just to give an idea of what kinds of pre-orders we will open during each months. I still plan to make a release other creatures (like the forest drakes, and assorted Gryphons), but they won’t be regular members of our Seasonal line-up.

What do you think? As Creature Keepers, does a regular Seasonal release schedule appeal to you? Would it be helpful to know when certain creatures are going to be available each year? Or am I overthinking this whole issue??


As far as what’s coming up next- here’s a run down of what’s on my desk (besides Jackalope pre-orders).

The Burrowing Owl Gryphon will be the next one-off Gryphon released. I’m hoping to offer you all a small, exclusive pre-order for these guys after I finish all the Jackalopes. I’m experimenting with Gryphon types to build up my chops before attempting the large Trash Gryphons in August!


I’m getting the Fish Dragons finished this month in hoped that we can have the first in-stock release the second week of May. The limited edition release of these guys (with the custom glass eyes), will be our first time NOT having an Early Creature Release for in-stock dolls. I’ve been debating this a lot, and because this is such a special release, and a collab with another artist, I want to release the limited eyes as a single release available to the public. HOWEVER, I will offer Club Members an exclusive custom color pre-order on both fish dragon designs after the limited eye release is done. It’ll just be for fish dragons with solid black eyes instead.


Here’s where the Fairy Wren Gryphons are at.

I have all 5 cast in resin, with only one who’s painted and finished. I’ll be cleaning them up and finishing them in between the pre-orders on my desk this month.