Details for the Fairy Jackalope Early Release!
It’s that time again where I post preview photos of the creatures for this weekend’s release and go over the rules for how Early Creature Release work!
The date for this release is going to be different than normal as it is a Holiday Weekend. The Early Release will be happening in our exclusive Club Shop at 12pm pst this Friday (July 2nd). There are 5, ready-to-ship, Fairy Jackalopes available. Sales are first-come, first-serve and the listings are set to auto-publish in the shop right at 12pm pst. I recommend logging into your Club profile and being ready to refresh the shop page right at 12pm pst if you are trying to grab a specific ‘lope.
The Early Release will go from 12pm pst until 5:30pm pst. Any ‘lopes that are not adopted by 5:30pm pst will be removed from the club shop and re-released Saturday at 10am pst to the general public.
If I get the rainbow Mushroom Drakes finished in time, they will also be part of the Friday early release.
Now that we have the rules out of the way, please meet the 5 Fairy Jackaclopes up for grabs:
Each Jackalope is $150usd+shipping
Freesia- female
Periwinkle- male
Pixie- female
Starlight- female
Tam Lin- male