Moss and Moonshine

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Indian Ringneck Parakeet Gryphon Update

EDIT: with our move coming up, we’ll be post-poning this release until we are settled in the new house! Hoping to have these guys available by October 2021.

I have got to pick a catchier name for these guys. Ferret-parrot also works, but since I’m basing color choices on the Indian Ringneck specifically…ah well. Regardless, here’s the plan with this design!

This design has been so fun to put together. I have the head, feet, and body pattern ready for testing and plan on doing a test assemble in a week or so! The part of this design that will be challenging is the wings…instead of doing a static folded wing like on the Hummingriffs and Fairy Wrens, I want to try and do a solid resin hinge-joint wing, so the wing can fold and unfold. Buuuuut that might be too complicated for me working with my limited supplies. I’m going to experiment during July, and hopefully we’ll have the first Gryphs ready for homes by the last week of July/first week of August. I plan on making 10 of these guys total for this first run. I want to offer 5 pre-order spots just to club members. It won’t be an open custom, just giving the option of picking from one of 3 standard Indian Ringneck Parakeet colors: green, yellow, or blue.

I’m going to have one of each color available as an example before the pre-order, so you’ll know exactly how your Gryphon will look before ordering. I hope everyone who wants to pick their color will be able to grab a slot. I also plan on releasing 5 pre-mades, colors to be determined. I’m thinking I want a yellow one for myself though!